Classes at The Blacksmith Shop of Omaha

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

The Blacksmith Shop of Omaha is run by Elmo and Kathy Diaz. This is the best place to take blacksmithing classes. Elmo is a Master Blacksmith who's very dedicated to seeing his students succeed in their endeavors. He is very open and forthcoming with his knowledge. But the best part is the lunches they provide. Kathy really outdoes herself and there is always enough to feed a small army. The only drawback is that after lunch you just want to curl up and take a nap instead of going back to work.

A benefit to taking classes at the Omaha Blacksmith Shop is upon completing Elmo's basic blacksmith class, you have the ability to rent shop time. This is a great opportunity if you're really interested in getting into this hobby. You'll get to try most all of the tools and equipment, enabling you to get a feel for what you might want to invest in. More importantly, you'll figure out what NOT to purchase! You can even learn how to make your own tools!

Trena and I have both benefited from Elmo's instruction. Unfortunately, I only have pictures of Trena while she in class. If you think you might want to take a class, call Elmo Diaz at (402) 680-9626. He can answer all your call and get you where you want to be. All in all, there are lots of great reasons to participate in classes offered at The Omaha Blacksmith Shop. Don't forget to tell him John and Trena sent you!

Besides being a fantabulous cook, Kathy is an artist in her own right. Here Kathy is teaching Trena how to do stained glass. Kathy also does candle carving and glass bead work. Here is a custom piece commissioned by Blackburn Alternative High School in Omaha.